#Ki-Map: who is on FH campus. Jan and Bunker-D answer.
Jan Pieper, 40 years old, is the technical manager in the Bunker-D on the FH campus. The WW2 Bunker was turned into a cultural centre …
Jan Pieper, 40 years old, is the technical manager in the Bunker-D on the FH campus. The WW2 Bunker was turned into a cultural centre …
The Ki-map is organised in 11 different sections: Student’s residences Breakfast cafes Second hand shops Outdoor gathering places Kieler Woche Live music Photo spots Unused …
Klopfen statt Klatschen Hier wird geklopft statt geklatscht. Dieses Phänomen ist mir als ausländische Studierende sofort ins Auge gesprungen, als ich zum ersten Mal eine …
November 2019. Friday, Kiel townhall square. Approximately 7,500 people are demonstrating in Kiel, among them mostly pupils and students. They are claiming climate justice. Probably …
According to the German society for nature conversation “NABU”, today we produce 400 million tons of plastic every year and more than 75 percent of …
Hi! I am Finja Schulze, 30 years old and born in Kiel. Here I work as an editor, photographer and author at the media company …
I am getting ready to head into the second semester at FH Kiel. The detailed plan is already hammered out in my head. At first …
Perception of students on the Coronavirus crisis.
For students, experiences abroad are always a good chance to get an understanding and impression of what happens outside their own bubbles and how other …
Prof. Dr. Hochscherf is Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning at the Faculty of Media (Kiel University of Applied Sciences). He is a member of …