Next to daily lectures and seminars, the FH offers a variety of projects for different student interests. This article cannot address all projects, but wants to give you insight of what you can do at the FH. Below, four of the projects are being presented: “Campusradio Aktiv”, “Raceyard – Formula student team Kiel”, “AUV Team TomKyle” and “Studying under sails”.
Campusradio Aktiv
In this project, students from different faculties are working on a radio channel for students, employees and interested people in Kiel. Next to interesting input, diverse music can be heard as well. “What makes the radio so special are the people”, tells Laura (21), studying corporate communication in her Bachelor. After her ‘first semester tour’ over the campus, she was impressed by the openness of the team. She had started as an intern and since the end of 2021 Laura is an active part of the radio. ”You can follow your interests and that is fun”. In addition, she appreciates the honest feedback from the head of the radio Oliver Ujc which makes it possible to improve one’s own skills.
Feel free to participate and meet the team during the broadcasting hours in room C12, 0.22, the recording studio of the media department. During the semester you can hear the radio Monday to Friday from 12-1 p.m. and Thursday from 8-10 a.m. on the frequency of the open channel Kiel (101.2 MHz) or in the livestream. The Campusradio Aktiv also has a website and Instagram.
Raceyard – Formula Student Team Kiel
Raceyard, founded in 2005, is also an interdisciplinary student project at the FH. Yearly, the team is developing and building a racing car for the international engineering competition “Formula Student”. “Since 2012 we are building the cars with an electric motor”, tells me Nicolas (22). He is studying business administration and is the head of marketing at Raceyard since the beginning of this season. Nicolas’ attention on this project rose during the campus tour in his first semester – same with Laura and the radio. “I am interested in motorsports and when I saw the racing car I was impressed”.
The goals are the construction, production and marketing of this racing car and the constant improvement of it. For these various steps students from different faculties (mechanical, electronic, finance, marketing etc.) are welcome. “Everyone can realize themselves and it is great to work together with different students to reach this one goal. It is a passion and it is nice to experience so many unforgettable moments at the events ”, underlines Nicolas.
Some weeks ago, on 20th of May, the team celebrated the rollout of their new racing car, the T-Kiel A 22 E aka Bendix. In view of the coming events (Switzerland in July, Hungary and Germany – Hockenheim in August and Spain in September) the team is working hard to finish the car. The only thing that needs to be said: Good luck this summer!
For more information, check out their website or visit them on Instagram.
AUV Team TomKyle
This is another project where students can collaborate. From different faculties they are designing, constructing and programming autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The AUV Team TomKyle exists since 2013 and is managed by Prof. Dr. Sabah Badri-Höher. The aim of this project is to explore the difficult and complex underwater environment with various sensors and smart algorithms in real time on the AUV.
Thomas (30), working as a research assistant at the “Research & Development Center” of the FH since 2019, is a member of the AUV team. His tasks are data interpretation and designing algorithms for an optimized route planning and positioning control. He tells me: “The interdisciplinary work in the team makes this project unique for me. We are constantly learning from each other and this enables us to recognize and overcome obstacles.”
The reason for choosing the name “TomKyle” was simple. It is the old name of Kiel, “Holstenstadt Tom Kyle”. The AUV team is taking part in competitions like the “European Robotics League Emergency Robots” in La Spezia, Italy. Here, the robots compete against others from Europe-wide teams. One situation of the competition could be an emergency situation in a harbor with a gas leak, where the robot would have to find it autonomously. “In 2019 our team reached the first place, in the other years before we have always been under the top 3”, Thomas points out.
When you are interested in this project, you can find more information on the website or on Instagram. Students from machine engineering, computer science, electrical engineering and media are welcome to participate.
Studying under sails
The interdisciplinary module focuses on current social issues, such as sustainable mobility or climate protection. In the six-week project phase, students work in groups on various core topics. The last phase of the project takes place for one week on the traditional sailing ship, this year the “Thor Heyerdahl”.
This summer semester it started on May 5th and ended on May 11th in Kiel. Good to know: After the project students can get 5 ECTS. Check out this FHEWS-article to read a more detailed report about the gained experiences.
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