Communication and working with media has become indispensable in our society and era. We encounter them everywhere in everyday life and often our society could not exist as we know it today without media and social networks and platforms.
The members of KnotenPunkt e.V. are also aware of this fact. The student PR association is currently the first and only one in the whole of northern Germany. The idea to found such an association already existed in 2020, and after months of tinkering around, distributing tasks and filling out paperwork, KnotenPunkt was brought to life in May 2021 by committed students at UAS Kiel. All members work in the association on a voluntary basis.
What exactly does KnotenPunkt do?
The members of KnotenPunkt see themselves as mediators between students and PR professionals.
“KnotenPunkt is a student business association that connects PR students with each other and with professionals from practice by organising events and possibilities of encounter.”
Sophie Mund explains. The public realtions ans corporate communications student has been a member of KnotenPunkt since March 2021 and has been on the board since April last year.
The aim is to break down inhibitions and build networks. Passing on and sharing learned knowledge Learned knowledge is the basis of the natwork. Networking is considered being of essential value when working in the field of Public Relations.
KnotenPunkt as a supporter
KnotenPunkt offers the opportunity for practical learning; to put the theoretical knowledge of the lectures into practice and see the results of your own work.
“My personal learning effort was big! I have never done anything in the field of sponsoring and now I am head of the team. So over time, I got more confident in representing the association to the outside and approaching possible sponsoring partners. Also, and I consider this the most important [learning]: Just because others look critically on your path and do not understand your effort – in an association like KnotenPunkt – it does not mean that it is wrong or useless.” KnotenPunkt is committed to an open culture of mistakes. Most newcomers to the association have not yet had the opportunity to gain practical experience and do not necessarily know how to approach certain tasks. The association helps and supports.
Sophie Mund

The future in mind
Volunteering also helps in regards to a possible future carrier.
“I did a work placement one year ago and the chef was really impressed by my engagement for KnotenPunkt, we even got her as a sponsoring partner! But I often hear from my contact for other cooperation that such an engagement is even more convincing and special than good grades and that something like this is what a person is all about.”
The association not only organises internal events, such as the IDW workshop with Klenk and Hoursch where participants developed a communication concept for the Kieler Tafel, but also external events, such as the bunker barbecue at the start of each semester.
The association is always happy to welcome new members, regardless of their studies. The main thing is that you have fun doing PR and media work.
If you want to find out more about the association, check out the website at:
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