Prof. Dr. Hochscherf is Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning at the Faculty of Media (Kiel University of Applied Sciences). He is a member of the senate and convent. Since 2013 he is – within the framework of a second membership – also professor at the European University of Flensburg.
What’s your favourite place in Kiel?
Kiel is by no means picturesque and can – at first sight – score with its beautiful location on the fjord. Unfortunately, the urban planning has still not understood that you can and should make more out of the water situation. Why are some of the best locations on the west bank used as parking space for the ferries? Why does the car park at the ZOB need a place at the water with a view of the fjord? Questions upon questions. The aim should be to get people to the water in the next few years, not just to bring water into the city, as with the brutalistic “Kiel Canal”. But Kiel is a lively city. There are numerous places here that invite you to linger. But to discover them usually takes a few years. Where I personally like to be, depends on what I want to do at that moment.

… to have a delicious brunch?
Usually I am not in Kiel for a brunch, but there are numerous cafés and restaurants just outside the city that are well worth it. I live in Mönkeberg and love to cycle to Kiek Ut in Kitzeberg. A better view of the fjord with a beach terrace is probably only available at the Hotel Seeblick in Möltenort or at the Tatort Hawaii in the baltic resort Stein. Where I want to go again soon is the Schiffercafé at Tiessenkai in Kiel-Holtenau, preferably by sailboat! For the quick hunger before a Holstein Kiel game I always eat a Matjesbrötchen. The fish sandwiches taste best from the American Airstream-Wohnanhänger-Foodtruck. On Thursdays, John’s Burgers go with the fresh beer in the Lille taproom at Eichhof after a long day at work!
… to have a lovely dinner?
With colleagues I like to go to the Zen Bar at the Alter Markt for lunch, in the evening the Bauch von Kiel or the Längengrad are my favourites – but the Elmövenschiss also offers good food in Kiel-Schilksee.
…for entertainment?
I love cinemas. Unfortunately, there are no traditional and rustic cinemas in Kiel like in Burg auf Fehmarn or in Sankt-Peter-Ording anymore. Nevertheless, the state capital shines with cinema culture – the Metro, the Studio, the Kommunale Kino or even the Cinemaxx offer much more than just films on a big screen. Every year, the Studio Filmtheater, Kiel’s oldest cinema, celebrates the film premieres of its students and the Schleswig-Holstein Screenplay Prize. These are always very special evenings. Besides my passion for film, I also appreciate operas. The stages of Kiel offer great productions – not only for summer opera in the open air.
… during sunshine?
That is easy: always on the fjord. Together with colleagues, I own a keel bird from 1978. The upper deck was lovingly restored by boat builder Jens Winckler at the Seefischmarkt. Kiel and the fjord are most beautiful from water.

…during rain?
That is easy: to the cinema! The conversion of the state library in the Satori & Berger Speicher will soon create an additional attractive place to exchange ideas, read and linger. The focus will not only be on topics of regional history, but also on ideas for the digitalisation of culture and society. I would be delighted if the ideas of the Dutch architect Aat Vos could be implemented as quickly as possible!
…for a good coffee?
Kiel has numerous good cafés. I can recommend Der Alte Mann and the Impuls Kaffeemanufaktur in the city centre. But I have also had very good coffee in the Loppocafé with the attached roastery in Grasweg.
… for a park stroll/ to switch off of everydays life?
For a walk in Kiel I appreciate the Old Botanical Garden around the Literaturhaus and the Kiellinie. There you always meet many acquaintances and friends.
… to do sports?
When I still lived in Kiel, I always liked to jog along the Kiel Canal. Today I jog from the new gas power station to Heikendorf on the eastern shore – which is the more beautiful shore of the fjord anyway because of the long evening sun and the many beaches.

… to buy some nice stuff?
Unfortunately, there are far too few good shops in Kiel, which you can only find here. Besides the chains of big companies there is a lot of nonsense. Nevertheless, some shops for nice things can be found. My favourite is the menswear shop Kelly’s in Dänische Straße. Women’s fashion and inspiration for gifts, on the other hand, can be found at fashion designer Angela Ziemer in Grasweg.
… to meet people?
I like to meet friends at the Holstein Stadium or – if it’s a smaller round – at Hansa48 or Wubbke.

This interview is a part of the #myKiel series. If you would like to read more about Kiel’s most beautiful places and other interesting people, you can find the other interviews here.
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